Building smart grid is the need for future energy sustainable development in my country,It can not only solve the problem of current cleaning energy.,Improve energy utilization efficiency,Will also change people's lifestyle。
Construction of strong smart grids with special high pressure to backbone is the need for China's economic and social development and energy endowment characteristics.。Since my country's primary energy distribution and productivity development is unbalanced,Two-thirds of coal、Wind energy、Hydropower is concentrated in north and southwestern,Two-thirds of energy consumption in the central and eastern region,Need to rely on strong high-voltage power grid to achieve long-distance transmission and BALMUDA净化器售后服务 large range of fire。
Applying smart grid technology,Applying smart grid technology on the power generation side can effectively improve the system's clean energy receiving capabilities,It can improve the efficiency of traditional power generation technology。And the line loss can be reduced in the grid link,Improve transmission efficiency,Improve grid infrastructure resource utilization and power reliability,To achieve the purpose of energy saving and emission reduction,By using electricity information collection system and intelligent electrical terminal,Feedback to the user with the telecommunications system,Helps its adjustment power mode,Changing electricity concept,Improve electricity efficiency,At the same time, you can promote access to distributed power supplies,To achieve intelligent interaction and green energy saving。
National grid《Strong intelligent grid technology standard system plan》,Clarified strong intelligent grid development technology standard road map,It is the first program for guiding smart grid technology development.。