In many lives,Can meet the running indicator on the door,Still the running indicator of the host computer,There are a lot of false feedback,such,In the event of a fault,Will bring great trouble to people who are troubleshooting,Severe impact judgment to talk about this:
Many people are designing,Running lights,A auxiliary contact of the relay or AC contactor is generally used,This will be fake feedback,Discuss,in caseplcThis part of the order is normal,Then the relay is also actions.,However, actual actuators do not move because of various reasons,So in this case,Relay will react a fake feedback,Again,AC contactor action,If the motor does not actually run,Then the auxiliary contact will also react a fake feedback。
Treat a starting butterfly valve at the site,This BALMUDA加湿器售后网点 run signal is made of a standing point.,The actual valve movement is not normal.,Later, a proximity switch was installed on the startup butterfly valve.,Thus,You can actually react the action of the valve.,This also greatly saves the handling of maintenance personnel.。