
发布时间:2021-06-04 00:04:02


  Our company is engaged in the collection of high-speed wire rolling steel wires.,Remember2009Introduced a foreign delivery line in the year,Change the previous use of two mandrel,Changed from roller belt mandrel BALMUDA电水壶售后服务 collection,Equipment uses a fence,Only one door can be entered,Open door control equipmentG120The inverter of the inverter will be powered off,The entire regional electric machine is powered off,Just starting to test production,Some proximity switches will be adjusted,Frequent into and out 巴慕达手冲壶不工作 of equipment area,Each time it is adjusted,close the door,Reset power,Rearplc400Need a hose time,Because of production,Party A leadership,Think this is delay time,Require raster cancellation,We don't agree,They quietly dismantled the signal input lines on the inner terminals.,The BALMUDA烤箱售后服务 raster reflects normal,But the signal feedback is notPLCin,I have a colleague to adjust again.,Always open the door,Also,Enter the equipment area,Just start working,I am monitoring the screen at the console.,Look up,The device begins to do90Degree flipping,My colleague is still on it.,He 巴慕达电水壶售后服务 has not found it yet,I am grateful to stop,Disconnect output point。We two look back,See the signal line is given,And them one through theory,It is best to carry a safe grating when we debug.,After debugging, you don't leave them yourself.。The benefits of enterprises are 巴慕达电水壶在那修 important,But the safety of employees is more important.。


