
发布时间:2021-07-03 00:01:02


  Electrical wire tube has a 巴慕达电风扇维修网点 principle:Try to open the vertical groove,Avoid opening transverse grooves。

  Like the following,A large angle in the masonry wallPVCConduit,The structure of the wall will cause certain damage。





  With 巴慕达中国售后服务 the popularity of the wire process,The horizontal slot will start to put an end,But a lot is still open。What is the harm of harm?,It will cause cracking in the wall,Because gravity is down,Although it is handled later,However, the new cement river sand and the original wall of the original wall are different.,In the later stage, it may cause cracking。Will also affect the housing structure,Impact,But against the resistance。The most important thing is to open the horizontal slot on the load-bearing wall。

  The opening of the vertical groove is conducive to line maintenance,Or when the wall is needed,Can be determined according to the box box to determine the direction of the wall,Thus avoiding punching failure lines。Open vertical groove barriers less hindrance。


